Child Sleep Works

Child Sleep Consultant, helping families with their child's sleep problems for babies and children up to 6 years of age.

Child Sleep Works

Full Description

I help tired families by providing them with the tools they need to get their child’s sleep on track. That means that the parents finally also get the rest that they need themselves.
For younger babies of up to 6 months of age, I help to ‘shape’ their sleep, by providing parents with the tools to put the baby on the right track from the beginning, with clear advice on schedules and sleep patterns.
For older babies and children up to age 6, I provide specialist strategies for coping with the sleep problems. I assess the needs of each child and each sleep problem on an individual basis. I take great care to provide parents with a personalised sleep plan they are happy with, to help them get their child’s sleep back on track. The plan includes strategies for coping with the sleep issue, suggestions for routines, guide as to how much sleep your child needs, and a clear programme to carry out over a short period of time.
I am a member of the British Sleep Society, the International Association for Sleep Consultants and am a regular contributor on various social media sites.


Maryanne Taylor

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