Mystic Niki

Mystic Niki

Full Description

My name is Niki I am a natural born medium i have been seeing and hearing spirit messages from a very early age I have read people from all over the world and helped them on there journey I am a natural born healer not with my hands but the words that spirit bring through I have a natural gift of uplifting people I work someĀ  of the time with a lovely gifted tarot readerĀ  called mo. mo has been working with spirit for the last 40 years and is well known in Spain and in many different areas and country’s spirit have been talking about us working together for a few years and now we both have the time and our energy’s gel 100 percent we are becoming 1 The aura camera is what mo has started working with a lot more and my guides are drawn to the Chara that is not glowing and as the loved ones come through from spirit the angels start there healing with us the tarot is a tool that some people like to look at and it tells a story of how some people are stuck but just remember its your destiny path we offer a fee of 25 for that you get your aura and a reading from a spiritual medium as the love of spirit that is not expensive but its a gift to help others






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