The Spit Spot App

Creating time for you and your kids

The Spit Spot App

Full Description

Available for download on iTunes at
You know when you’ve run out of all those things you usually do with your kids or you are terrified by the prospect of a whole empty unplanned day looming ahead of you? The Spit Spot App helps you create fun time with your kids by finding great activities to do that they will love and so will you.
Spit Spot comes up with a range of activities that have been road tested by real kids and real parents that come with easy to follow instructions and top tips that will engage and captivate your kids and make you a parenting hero.
The activities include games, crafting, cooking that can be messy, thinky, silly, educational but above all engaging, fun and easy to do.
Feeling adventurous? Spit spot allows you or your kids to walk on the wild side and go for the lucky dip – who knows you may find something thing that becomes the family favourite.


Spit Spot



activities craft Fun ideas Kids

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