Health & Fitness


The Future Is Yours @Anna247

We all have access to our own power and the ability to shape our future. Future Life Progression (FLP) helps you clearly see where you are heading in life, and teaches you how to remove negative blocks, so that you can move forward on your path.

A guide to health and fitness apps @PTintegrated

Mobile phones – and increasingly smart phones – are central to our everyday lives. The digital world is constantly on the move and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the changes or to know what is best for you. We have taken a look at th..

How to exercise at every age @PTintegrated

Our bodies are changing throughout our whole lives and, at each stage, will benefit from a different type of exercise for both a healthy mind and body, regardless of our age. While our exercise habits are best nurtured in childhood, it is never too..

How To Lose Your Baby Weight AND Tone Up! @MutuSystem

How To Lose Your Baby Weight AND Tone Up! @MutuSystem Losing your baby-weight & your mummy tummy is really determined by the food you eat (& the food you don't) first & foremost. But once the pounds start to drop off, things can sta..

Postnatal Weight Loss | Be Nice To Yourself!

If you’re looking to lose weight after baby, you may have been tempted by these, or you will certainly have seen then... Online ads or DVD covers offering regimes that promise to get you ‘ripped’, ‘tiny’ or give you ‘rock hard abs’...
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