Are You Breathing Properly? @AmandaMKUK


In the years before I discovered Mary Kay Cosmetics and began to enjoy my job (!) I was a Mortgage Sales Trainer, and later a Life Coach for ‘Women Of A Certain Age’.  One of the simplest things that I learned in those early years and that I still use today, was to breath properly, since it uderpins everything else – including life itself.  So ask yourself at this moment  – Is your breathing shallow?  If it is, then you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain or your body, and will feel lethargic and unable to operate at your best.  Notice whether you take small breaths which barely move your abdomen.  These breaths are likely to be quite rapid, since you are depriving your body of oxygen – you are in fact suffocating.  Learning to breath properly is very simple, yet underpins how you deal with everything else in your life.  It is key to handling stressful situations and therefore how much emotional and physical stress you experience. It is the most basic yet essential form of stress management, yet one that so many of us overlook.  You can use your breathing to teach your body to relax, which in turn helps you think more productively.

  1. As you inhale, imagine that your abdomen is a balloon that you are slowly filling with air.  (Note here that you are not focusing on filling your lungs, thereby breathing from your chest.)
  1. Visualise how new born babies breath, with their tummies rising and falling in a relaxed and natural way.
  1. Place your hand on your abdomen whilst you are inhaling.
  1. Now observe your hand whilst you let your breath out, whilst imagining you are letting air out of your balloon (you may wish to imagine your navel as the entry and exit of this air)
  1. Whilst exhaling, make sure your abdomen remains relaxed.
  1. Take at least three more slow, deep, breaths whilst focusing on the movement of your abdomen.

Hints and tips

  • Incorporate this every day, as often as you remember, but particularly when you are in a stressful situation such as being held up in traffic
  • See if you can maintain this for up to 10 minutes at a time – it is the basis for many forms of meditation
  • Practice when you are relaxing at home or sitting at your computer
  • Practice when you are angry, nervous or suffering from insomnia
  • Practice whenever you notice that  your breathing in is shallow, fast or tense
  • Practice until this becomes a habit!
  • Breathing slowly and deeply is a signal to your mind and body to let go of stress and tension. It reduces the fight-or-flight instinct which causes so much of our stress.

And if you are searching for the ideal career opportunity to fit around your family and let you breathe again, why not check out Mary Kay Cosmetics like I did? Contact me for a quick chat – [email protected]  or 07805 835581

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