Kids Come First

Separated Parents Support Forum

Kids Come First

Full Description

Kids Come First separated parents support forum offers a unique adult learning ‘programme’ of child-focused material with helpful, specialised guidance & advice for separated parenting. The course has been carefully compiled and is presented by two qualified, adult teacher trainers (co-founders) who have extensive experience of child counselling & family mediation. They identified the need and importance of being able to provide an appropriate arena where separated parents could receive structured, ‘tailor-made’ support during this difficult time. We know that becoming a separated parent takes time to adjust & adapt to. You may find yourself struggling to maintain an effective co- parenting relationship with your ex-partner which may, in turn, have a negative impact on your children. You may have noticed changes in their behaviour and have concerns about this. By offering the right support & advice, at the time you need it most, we aim to help you cope – so your children will too!


Nicola Withycombe


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