Marketing Wand Ltd

All marketing services under one umbrella - finding new business and growing sales on behalf of our customers

Marketing Wand Ltd

Full Description

As well as designing great marketing plans and strategy for both small and large organisations – we have a hands on approach so that this strategy is actually delivered and brings a return! This is what we call our “Marketing Services”.
There are many ‘marketing consultants’ who are happy to design marketing plans, marketing strategies and recommendations. However these expensive marketing plans end up sitting on a shelf somewhere gathering dust, as their clients haven’t the time or the resource to deliver these plans. Money down the drain? We think so.
This is how we are different as we not only design strategy which we know is realistic to deliver, we move onto deliver it – resulting in generating business and retaining existing clients so you can see a return, quickly.
We are an excellent option for companies who are wanting to develop their business but don’t want to take the risk or make the commitment to recruit additional employees.
Our services are tailored to fit your needs within your budget and around the resource you have.
Contact us today to find out more about our services.


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