Start your own Inventory Clerk business

Start your own Inventory Clerk business

Full Description

The Inventory Clerk is a professional who visits residential properties and prepares detailed reports of their condition and contents. Every time Tenants are moving IN or OUT of a property the Letting Agent or the Landlord instructs an Inventory Clerk to visit the property, to inspect it and to make a report.

No previous experience or formal qualifications needed. You need good computer skills and it’s best if you live within easy distance of some Letting Agents.

The work of the Inventory Clerks involves:

Working from home – receiving instructions from Letting Agents by phone or by e-mail (usually at least a couple of days before the inspection).

Visiting & inspecting residential properties – checking marks to doors, walls, floors, listings tables and chairs, sofas and cushions, beds, wardrobes etc. (to inspect a 1-bed flat it only takes about 30min.)

Working from home – after the inspections the Clerk prepares the reports at home. The reports must be completed within 2-3 days after the inspection and then sent to the Agents.

Advantages of the Inventory Clerk business:
· Low start-up cost
· Regular clients providing regular work on a weekly basis
· Growing market
· With our package you can start in a week

Our £395 package:

Book ‘Inventory Clerk Training and Business guide’
DVD ‘The property inspection’
DVD ‘How to make an Inventory clerk website’
Many sample reports and templates of all business documents


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