CHAMPS Academy Academy/

CHAMPS Academy last logged in on January 4, 2013 12:26 pm

I have a passion to help children and young people feel at ease and find happiness with who they are. Every child deserves the right to aspire to and achieve all they can. So I created C.H.A.M.P.S Academy to be the ultimate programme to help children and young people become self confident, motivated, safe and strong individuals. I'm on a quest to help kids be their best!
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  2. Other listings by CHAMPS Academy

A few words about me..

I have a passion to help children and young people feel at ease and find happiness with who they are. Every child deserves the right to aspire to and achieve all they can. So I created C.H.A.M.P.S Academy to be the ultimate programme to help children and young people become self confident, motivated, safe and strong individuals. I'm on a quest to help kids be their best!

  1. C.H.A.M.P.S Academy - January 4, 2013
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