
coconutandchoc last logged in on March 20, 2013 11:11 am

I run Coconut and Chocolate, sewing when my boys sleep. Have a very messy house, three chickens, and dont know what I would do without coffee! My boys are 2.5yrs and 10 months. I love my boys and my life. I have just been nominated for The Mumpreneur Awards 2013, and very excited about what we have in the pipe-line for the next few months!
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  2. Other listings by coconutandchoc

A few words about me..

I run Coconut and Chocolate, sewing when my boys sleep. Have a very messy house, three chickens, and dont know what I would do without coffee! My boys are 2.5yrs and 10 months. I love my boys and my life. I have just been nominated for The Mumpreneur Awards 2013, and very excited about what we have in the pipe-line for the next few months!

  1. Coconut and Chocolate - March 20, 2013
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