Help moms yell less coach moms yell less coach/

Help moms yell less coach last logged in on December 22, 2023 2:23 pm

I am Esther Mbabazi, I guide moms who thrive at work, but find it hard to talk to their preteen daughters. I understand that it can be frustrating, leading to loud arguments and feeling guilty and doubting your parenting skills afterwards. Both of you just want to be understood and appreciated. The good news is being a parent doesn’t have to be hard all the time. Yelling isn’t the only way to connect with your daughter. I believe every mom and daughter just want to be heard and understood. I specialize in guiding moms to stop yelling and be the caring moms they want to be. Parenting doesn't always have to be hard, there are better ways than yelling to connect with your daughter. I've guided moms to find happier and calmer ways to talk to and be understood. Join me in bringing back harmony in your home.
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A few words about me..

I am Esther Mbabazi, I guide moms who thrive at work, but find it hard to talk to their preteen daughters. I understand that it can be frustrating, leading to loud arguments and feeling guilty and doubting your parenting skills afterwards. Both of you just want to be understood and appreciated. The good news is being a parent doesn’t have to be hard all the time. Yelling isn’t the only way to connect with your daughter. I believe every mom and daughter just want to be heard and understood. I specialize in guiding moms to stop yelling and be the caring moms they want to be. Parenting doesn't always have to be hard, there are better ways than yelling to connect with your daughter. I've guided moms to find happier and calmer ways to talk to and be understood. Join me in bringing back harmony in your home.

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