
mydidthat last logged in on November 29, 2012 2:38 pm

I'm a mum of 3 (including twins) and run a business called my did that, that fundraises for schools through taking pupils artwork, turning them into professional named and titled prints, and then putting on an art exhibition at school, where parents are invited to view and buy their children's work. We find that schools not only raise funds but raise the self esteem of students through seeing their work "in lights".
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A few words about me..

I'm a mum of 3 (including twins) and run a business called my did that, that fundraises for schools through taking pupils artwork, turning them into professional named and titled prints, and then putting on an art exhibition at school, where parents are invited to view and buy their children's work. We find that schools not only raise funds but raise the self esteem of students through seeing their work "in lights".

  1. My Did That - November 29, 2012
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