Sarah the photo lady the photo lady/

Sarah the photo lady last logged in on February 1, 2013 5:41 pm

I'm a freelance photographer, mostly product photography for small independents and on-line retailers but I do weddings and family shoots too. My favourite jobs are Pet Photography Days when I take my studio to grooming parlours and pet shops! I work from home with my sidekick Nelly the beagle... we sing songs!
  1. Profile
  2. Other listings by Sarah the photo lady

A few words about me..

I'm a freelance photographer, mostly product photography for small independents and on-line retailers but I do weddings and family shoots too. My favourite jobs are Pet Photography Days when I take my studio to grooming parlours and pet shops! I work from home with my sidekick Nelly the beagle... we sing songs!

  1. Photography by Sarah - February 2, 2013
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