To be a part of something when it first hits the market place is priceless.

Be one of the first 500 to try North America’s #1 fitness and weight loss Challenge.

To be a part of something when it first hits the market place is priceless.

Full Description

What is an influencer?
1-A Teacher, Pastor or Coach.
2-Fitness or Wellness Professional
3-Full Time Network Marketer or Direct Salesperson
4-ANYONE in ANY profession that makes 100k US Dollars (65k+ pounds) per year..
If you are one of the above, or know one, this info is for you.
The success of ViSalus, and unheard-of growth, as seen over the last three years, has been amazing.
Here is the number of New Customers who joined the Body by Vi Challenge for each of the last three years:
2010 82,209
2011 548,281
2012 1,339,073 (USA, Canada, Jamaica)
2013 ????????? (launch in the Europe in the first half)
Timing is a huge part of any business. It can make a difference between a slow-growing business or an exploding business.


Debbie Bellefleur

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