Together Birthing

Hypnobirthing classes in the Hertfordshire area and online

Together Birthing

Full Description

Hypnobirthing is a complete childbirth education programme for pregnant women and their birth companions, which teaches simple but effective self-hypnosis, relaxation, fear release and breathing techniques, as well as practical birth education, for an easier birthing experience. For healthy women and babies, birth is the most natural and normal experience that a woman can go through. Birth is not meant to be excruciatingly painful. As part of my hypnobirthing classes, I teach deep relaxation, breathing techniques and the release of anxiety and tension through fear release techniques, so you will discover how to be in control of your birth and trust in your birthing body.

Find out more about where I teach or get in touch to book – send an email or call 07738328105


Emma Harwood-Jones


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