5 FREE tickets to the Return to Work conference on 20 March in Central London @MumandCareer

 5 FREE tickets to the Return to Work conference on 20 March in Central London to give away, worth nearly £100 each.

Are you  about to change career?  Anyone who subscribes to Mum & Career (which is free, and easy) before 10 March 2012 has a chance to win.

Here’s the link to the page with more information and how to subscribe: http://www.mumandcareer.co.uk/competition/win-a-ticket-to-the-return-to-work-conference/


- The competition is open to anyone in the UK.

- The competition closes on 9th of March, midnight.

- We will contact you on the e-mail address provided when you subscribe or the one used when registering in the Forum. If you do not respond within 24 hours to the e-mail to claim your prize it will be offered to someone else. Do give your best e-mail.

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