Discover Natural Beauty Products @LushDuck

Discover Natural Beauty Products

There are so many theories with regards to which ingredients are best to use cosmetically on your skin. One day we hear one theory, the next day the opposite is in the news. It is little wonder that nowadays consumers really don’t know if they are coming or going with regards to what is best. One thing which everyone agrees on however is that natural is always best. The beauty benefits of rose and shea butter cannot be compared to those of the chemicals which are contained within conventional creams and potions. It stands to reason that natural generally always does mean best.  From the time of our grandmothers and well before that from that matter, women and their families were searing by natural ingredients and preparations.  Many of the big companies in natural beauty products are putting the folklore of our ancestors and the wisdom of our forefathers and mothers into their products.  In this article we look at some of the most popular natural beauty products available right now.

Rather than spending thousands of hard earned pounds per year on conventional beauty products which are chock full of chemicals, we need to make an informed choice as to what we put on our skins. Never before have consumers had so much choice as to what they use and why they shouldn’t put preparations on their bodies which they would be unhappy putting within their bodies. Add this to the fact that natural beauty products are not tested on animals then there is really no competition.

Popular extracts added to natural beauty products

Avocado is a wonderful skin nourishing treatment and the extract of this is extremely rich in enzymes and vitamins too.

Banana extract is another very popular skin nourishing treat which can be found in many natural beauty products. Banana, like avocado is a wonderful skin moisturiser and is also very rich in potassium.

Products such as Lavera Faces Organic Calendula Balancing Cream are incredible skin nourishing treats. A must have for combination skin, the olive oil and avocado oils work as an excellent moisturiser whilst the fruit extracts balance the skin.

Another very popular and effective treatment which utilises olive oil is Lavera All Round Moisturising Cream. This is especially formulated for men and is ideal for all skin types, even sensitive skin.

There are many other extracts which are both natural and good for the skin. Honey is particularly popular and has been in use since ancient Egyptian times. If it was good enough for Cleopatra then it is good enough for us!  has all these ingredients and more in the products we stock through our site so take a leaf from the ancient Egyptians book and go natural!


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