Make time for marketing your business @JadePluck

Now you may have a lot on at the moment with client work and when this happens things get pushed to the wayside like: paperwork, your expenses and perhaps even marketing your business. Yes you may have a lot of chargeable time but you should think of your marketing as a piece of client work, put it in your diary as a meeting or have a set time each week set aside for it as if you don’t do it your business will not grow or expand.

You never know what is round the corner and you may have a client that reduces their hours or a project that finishes and what have you got to go in place of these? The answer nothing if you have not been marketing.

I think to myself, I will always make time for a client meeting and to get that meeting you need people to know and want your services so you need to market your business so I always make time for this too.

My 5 tips on marketing your business that will only take around an hour a week:

  1. Continue to build your client list by sending out your newsletters – these can be prepared in advance so when you are quiet write a few months’ worth.
  2. Ask for guest blogs and do guest blogs – this will not only remind people you are still here but it will also give you link backs to your websites.
  3. Post in LinkedIn groups with a blog article / piece of news or a response to someone’s question, allowing people to get to know you.
  4. Respond to messages on Twitter and better still sign up for Twilertand get emails send to you with your keywords, this will cut out a lot of time looking through tweets you will just get targeted tweets as and when they come in. You can also set up Twitter lists so you are only looking at key followers, cutting out looking at the entire news feed.
  5. And lastly but this is not counted in your hour a week; attend networking groups – these are vital in building local connections who may become clients or invaluable partners to your business.

You must remember that you may need to make 7 forms of contact with someone before they become a client, so if you are only sending a newsletter out every month or as and when you remember this process will last a long time.

So as long as you are doing a few of these or indeed other forms of marketing for your business you will be assured that the enquiries and clients will keep on rolling in.

I would love to know what is the first thing that doesn’t get done when you get busy?

If you have a great blog you would like to share that will help women in business then please get in contact with me here, or connect with me via my social networking sites, either way is good for me.




Thank you for reading

Jade Pluck of Virtually Anywhere

1 Comment

  1. Great points made here Jade – particularly the details about Twilert.

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