In the early days of life a baby has a few, simple needs: food, warmth and love.  Carrying your baby close can offer the warmth and love they desire and can support breastfeeding through skin to skin contact and easy access to the breast.  All babies whether breast or bottle fed benefit from being worn skin to skin with their parents.  It helps them regulate their temperature and breathing and promotes healthy spine and hip development as well as strengthening and toning their growing muscles.  Babies who are worn in a sling often cry less, sleep better and suffer less with symptoms of colic and reflux.

In modern families the natural instinct to keep our babies close can be challenged by parenting manuals that stress the need for independence, coupled with all the different products on offer that aim to emulate the feeling of being in a parents arms.  We can be left wondering if just carrying our babies around is really enough.  Looking back through history, we know that humans are a carrying species, we have never left our babies alone in nests or dens but have carried them with us until they were big enough to walk themselves.  Modern families have safe places they can lay their babies but quite often the baby is not willing to be put down.  It’s not an indication that they are clingy or will have problems with independence later, it is in fact a biological imperative that causes many babies to feel safe when in someones arms but distressed if laid down.  It doesn’t last forever and if there are enough willing pairs of arms it means everyone gets lots of cuddles which is the perfect way to get to know your new family member.  Keeping your baby close is not a path to spoiling our babies.  By meeting their need to be held you are showing your baby you care and supporting healthy emotional development.  A baby who receives positive reinforcement of their own self-worth is more likely to grow up confident and independent.   But tired new parents, those who must care for other children or complete household or work tasks can feel overwhelmed by a baby’s intense need to be held.

Using a sling or carrier that supports our babies in a safe, balanced position can free up our hands and enable us to keep baby close whilst getting on with the rest of our day.  Slings that hold a baby in a gentle curve with the knees raised are offering ergonomic support that mimicks the natural position a baby adopts when laid on their parents chest.  With hips and back supported baby can be worn for hours and a well designed carrier should not put any strain on the parent’s body.  Some versatile carriers are suitable from birth to three years.

Choosing the right sling or carrier can be a confusing task, there are many varied styles, which come in a dazzling array of gorgeous designs and patterns and the range of prices can be equally challenging.  Trying out different slings and learning more about how they work can be helpful in choosing a carrier that will be most comfortable and supportive to your needs and your baby’s.

QUICK GUIDE TO SLING TYPES – these are all slings which hold the baby in the best ergonomic position, where the knees are supported offering a deep seat to support baby’s neck, spine and hips.  Wraps – stretchy and woven A long piece of carefully crafted and tested material either made from soft stretchy jersey or supportive, flexible woven cotton,linen or bamboo.  Can be tied in a versatile number of ways.  Stretchy wraps are convenient and cosy for newborns up to about 1 year.  Woven wraps can be used for front and back carries from birth up to 3 years. Mei tai – an Asian inspired carrier that holds baby in a patterned or plain panel supported by wide straps and a waist band.  Suitable from newborn to around 3 years depending on the product. Buckle carrier (ssc) – a modern style ‘soft, structured carrier’ that still creates the deep supportive seat but is quickly put on and off the front and back using strong, safety tested buckles.  suitable up to 3-4 years from newborn or a few months old depending on product. Ring slings and pouches – hammocks of fabric that go over one shoulder.  can be used for front and hip carries and are quick to put on and off, great for busy toddlers.  Popular for discreet breastfeeding and suitable from birth – 3 years.  Ring slings are adjustable whereas pouches are made in differing lengths to suit the carrier’s body size.

When using any sling or carrier follow the safety guidelines:  TICKS T – tight (tighten fabric, straps or buckles so no slack remains and baby is held in as close as possible) I – in sight at all times (never cover baby’s face with fabric or wear them so low on your back you cannot see them) C – close enough to kiss  (baby’s head should be high enough on parents’ chest that they can easily kiss the top) K – keep chin off chest (baby is not squashed into such a tight position that their chin rests on their chest) S – support back and hips (sling material creates a deep seat to support baby from knee to knee)  For more information why not go along to a local sling meet, or Babywearing Demonstration.   Available monthly at Bump and Babes and many other local venues.

Serenity Supplies is owned by mum of 2, Nicole Hastie, a qualified Sling Consultant who can offer information and support through 1:1 consultations, group workshops and introductory demonstrations.  You can hire a sling for £5 and the whole range of ethically sourced carriers can be bought online or at events.  Also stockists of Gumigems, Huggalugs, treasure baskets and babyled weaning resources.

Visit:   http://serenitysupplies.weebly.com    for local events, more information on sling types and sling safety as well as full range of ethically sourced slings to hire or buy.

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